Basically, there's no denying that pugs are magical creatures that make everyone smile. Maybe it's their wrinkly little faces or the cute little snuffly noises they make, but they're pretty great.
Don't believe us? Watch Smokey here grow from a tiny baby to a slightly less tiny baby, and tell us you don't feel better about the world.
Well, Australian artist Sean Dowling feels the same way about these dogs — and to honor them, he's decided to combine them with other little creatures that everyone, particularly those born within the last 30 or so years, has grown up with: Pokémon.
Called Pugémon, the series sees the fantasy creatures from the Japanese card game and cartoon series in glorious pug form, and while it's obviously silly, it's also a lot of fun. If you or your kids ever loved Pokémon, it's worth checking out.
He got the idea from Pokémon Bulbasaur, a squat creature with a wide smile, which reminded Sean of a pug. And from there, the series took off.
Check out a sampling of the Pugémon below, and stay tuned for more. His goal is to complete all 150!
[H/T: Lost At E Minor]

Here's the one that started the series, Bulbasaur — or maybe we should say "Bulbapug." Each Pokémon's name has been altered to reflect their puggy makeover.

He's even drawing up the evolved forms of the Pokémon, all with similarly puggy attributes.

And they're all adorable.

Sean was so inspired by the "Bulbapug" drawing that he began doodling them regularly.

At first, he used them as warm-up exercises before starting other projects.

Transforming the Pokémon into pugs was something he found helped loosen him up and made him more creative.

But soon, he found that the Pugémon were taking on a life of their own, and becoming their own project.
So he went with it.

Sean says he's always loved dogs. "I love their goofy faces," he says, "I love how excited they get."

"I love how if you are kind to them, there is no limit to the love they will show you."

And when he thought about it, he realized that though fictional, he loved Pokémon for the same reasons.

Anyone familiar with the cartoon knows that loyalty, friendship, and bonding were core themes of the show. And not to mention all kinds of silly creatures!

Of Pokémon, Sean says, "Really, they are just dogs with cool magical powers and maybe wings… but deep down, they are all dogs."

Currently, he's working on translating all 150 original Pokémon characters into pugs, and printing them up on posters and collectable cards, kind of like the original game.

Except a lot cuter.

As of right now, he's hosting a Kickstarter to get funding for the printing.

Sometimes, it's the smallest, silliest projects that end up turning into so much more.

And we're looking forward to seeing in what other ways Pokémon, that goofy childhood staple for so many, can be further pugified.

You can see more of Sean's artwork on his website, and check out his Kickstarter if you think Pugémon are something you need in your life.
And be sure to SHARE this adorably hilarious project with anyone you know who grew up loving Pokémon.