THIS Is What Happens When A Cat Is Adopted And Raised By A Dog.

Meet Toffee — a very special cat to Reine and her entire family. Reine found Toffee under some rocks in front of her house during a storm in August of 2012. As soon as Toffee entered the family, they were in for a huge surprise — the family dog, Rufus, immediately adopted and began treating him as if he was her very own baby — going so far as to breastfeed and train him! (Rufus is a boy's name, but she is in fact female!)

Just watch as these two cuddle, play and tease one another like only real family members could. They love each other so much, and Toffee has been so blessed to find the most perfect mother on the planet! See, dogs and cats can get along! Can you see Toffee's canine-like mannerisms? Her Mama has rubbed off on her, for sure! Aww!!

Please SHARE this awesome video!