When Sasha the pit bull was born, she looked a little different than most pit bull puppies.
Born in early September, Sasha's life was immediately in danger. She had a cleft palate and lip, and was unable to nurse from her mama.
Nurse practitioner Marie DeMarco had previously cared for sick kittens, so animal rescuer Courtney Bellew thought she was the perfect person to look after Sasha.
Marie absolutely fell in love with Sasha, but she knew she had a long battle ahead, reports BoredPanda.
Unfortunately, when Sasha was 6 weeks old, a vet discovered that she also had a brain condition, making her a little slower than other puppies her age.
Even though she's already had her fair share of struggles, Sasha the pit bull isn't giving up. This little munchkin is a fighter, and her spirit has warmed the hearts of people everywhere.
Photos: Facebook / S.N.A.R.R. Animal Rescue Northeast; Facebook / FURRR 911
When Sasha was born, it was obvious she was a little different.
She couldn't nurse because of her cleft lip and palate.
FURRR 911 shared updates on sweet little Sasha on their Facebook page. They explained:
An Itty Bitty Pittie Pup update: Our little girl turned 6 weeks old on Tuesday! She is still being tube fed, but we have started to introduce hand fed solid foods.
We also visited a neurologist this week, and our suspicions have been confirmed.
Besides being born with a cleft lip and palate, this little baby also has a condition called hydrocephalus which means that she has excessive fluid around her brain.
However, after doing an ultrasound, her neurologist was pleasantly pleased.
Our pittie pup’s brain is 30-40% the size of a normally developed puppy brain. Believe it or not, animals can function with only 10% so this was actually good news.
What does this mean for our puppy? She will be able to do normal puppy things; however, she may be a little slow to learn and process new concepts.
Since we caught the condition early and have started oral medications to decrease the amount of cerebral-spinal fluid created, further destruction of brain tissue due to building pressure hopefully will not occur.
Of course, she will need reevaluation when she is older to determine whether the placement of a shunt will be beneficial to controlling her condition.
Our little girl is just that — little! She only weights 1.1 pounds.
Due to her conditions, her veterinarians believe that she will remain small in stature — probably only reaching about 30 pounds full grown.
Whatever the future holds for her, she sure is a miracle pup. Raising her from one day old to over six weeks of age without any major medical complications is a testament to her fight and will to live.
FURRR 911 and SNARR Northeast will support her in any way possible.
People are absolutely in love with Sasha, leaving comments on all of her photos.
One person wrote, "Oh what a little sweetheart. How could someone not fall in love with her."
Another fan wrote, "She is just the cutest little angel."
One person even suggested that Sasha should have her own calendar!
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