Some Very Unique Animals Are Winding Up As Family Pets And It’s Pretty Adorable

Pets make everything better. It's not just my opinion — it's fact. Studies have shown that having pets makes you a better person.

When we say "pets," a few common animals come to mind. We all love dogs and cats, and we show them love often. Even smaller pets like hamsters and rabbits get some decent love. But there are many other kinds of animals who also bring joy as pets that you might not expect.

Thankfully, the internet has opened our eyes to all the unique animals who can be fantastic pets for the right person. Here are some of our favorites.

Mr. Pokee

Mr. Pokee is an adorable hedgehog who loves a good adventure. He's pretty sociable, with some beautiful cat friends he hangs with. Mr. Pokee is a rare social media beacon of positivity.

"Between all the serious things happening in the world every day, Mr.Pokee and his familee are here to give you a reason to be happy and smile. Whenever you return to our page, we want to remind you to never lose faith and always follow your heart," their page reads.

Pumpkin the Raccoon

Pumpkin's story is one of triumph. The adorable racoon broke her leg at 1 month old after falling out of a tree. She's since recovered and living her best life with human foster mom Laura and her dog siblings.

Jill the Squirrel

Jill the squirrel fell from her nest during Hurricane Isaac. Thankfully, she was found by the human who became her mom. She took Jill inside to recover and quickly found she was just what the family needed.

Jack the Cockatiel

Jack is a super-photogenic cockatiel who does all sorts of exciting things. He's a great follow to bring some beautiful brightness to your feed.

Juniper the Fox

Juniper behaves a lot like your average dog. She might even look like a dog at first glance, but she's actually a very friendly domestic fox. She's got another fox friend, Fig, and other furry friends, including her family's dog.

Charlotte the Tortoise

Charlotte the tortoise belongs to former White House photographer Pete Souza. Charlotte became a sassy symbol for the resistance during the recent administration, gaining her a cool 28,000 followers on her own account. She also does adorable turtle things like bask in the sun and splash around in a kiddie pool.

Super Pringle the Bearded Dragon

Super Pringle is a bearded dragon living in Australia and having a pretty relatable life. Pringle likes going to the beach, grocery shopping, eating mango, and cosplay.

Prissy and Pop

Prissy and Pop feel like kids show characters with their bounty of farm friends. On their page, you'll find lots of beautiful pigs, some pups and cats, and even a cow every now and then. You'll love their never-ending supply of adorable outfits.

Teddy the Shetland

Teddy is a tiny blond pony with a ton of personality. Teddy gets along with other horses, as well as dogs. He loves lots of delicious foods and will zoom for croissants.

Goats of Anarchy

Goats are adorable, and this goat sanctuary in New Jersey shares all its sweet little buddies online. They aren't technically pets, but their sweet stories are just too good to pass up.