One army veteran sprung into action when he spotted a helpless dog locked inside a hot car, but now, he has been arrested for smashing a window to free the animal.
According to various media outlets, Michael Hammons of Athens, GA was charged with criminal trespassing after freeing a small Yorkshire terrier who was left in the car without food or water.
"I've got PTSD, and I've seen enough death and destruction," Hammons, who served in Desert Storm, told 11Alive. "And I didn't want anything else to happen if I could prevent it."
"I personally felt the heat in the car; I saw the dog panting. This dog was in distress."
Although he is being hailed a hero by some, the dog's owner was furious that he smashed her car window and demanded that action be taken against him. If the owner wouldn't have pressed charges, the war vet would have walked free after rescuing the dog.
Georgia state law does allow an individual to break a window to save a child in a hot or cold car, but that does not extend to pets.
The owner was cited for leaving the dog in the hot car.
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