Every Morning Man Wakes To Clean Shed, But Could It Be This Tiny Mouse’s Late Night Work?

You'll probably be shocked once you see this video of a tiny little cleaner. Night after night, 75-year-old Rodney Holbrook could not figure out who kept cleaning his shed. In a quest for answers, he set up a video camera to figure out how things kept getting moved. “Something strange is going on here,” he remembered thinking. Upon watching the video playback, Rodney was surprised to find a little mouse doing all the tidying. Any items that he had left out, the mouse moved into a box. Essentially, he was decluttering the shed space every night.

Rodney went on to share that the tidying had been going on for months. “To do it every night is unbelievable,” he said. “You think it’d get fed up," referring to the rodent who he calls “Welsh Tidy Mouse."

Though Welsh usually works alone, Rodney once spotted some accomplices helping out in one of the videos. "Maybe it’s just having a bit of fun,” he said of his personal cleaner. As he recovers from prostate cancer, he also jokes that the mouse could be thinking, “Poor man, he’s so tired I’ll do it for him."

More from LittleThings: He Leaves A Camera On The Ground. Now Watch What The Mouse Does…

People in the comments were absolutely astounded.

"❤️ Bring him cheese asap ," one person said.

"When he’s finished could I hire him to do my studio?" another person joked. "It would have to be at night (which would suit his hours) because I’m not awfully good with little mice!"