Pugs, polar bears, and puppies, oh my!
These super sleepy animals can't stop yawning, and we can't stop staring, because they're just WAY too cute for words. A yawn is a reflex in which air is inhaled and the eardrums stretch, followed by an exhalation. Animals (and people) yawn due to a number of reasons, including tiredness, boredom, or overwork.
What makes you yawn? Please SHARE these lovable yawning animals with your friends and just DARE them not to yawn!
So tired.


Is it 5 o'clock somewhere?

OMG what I wouldn't do to be in my bed right now.

You guys wanna go get coffee? I'm fading.

I knew I shouldn't have stayed up to watch Animal Planet last night.

My tiny jaw is not big enough for the size of my yawn.

What? Turtles yawn, too.

Half-rawr, half-yawn.

I need, like, a ten minute nap. Maybe twenty minutes.

Caution: Yawns are contagious!



The rare, exotic yawn.

Teeny-tiny yawns.

Perfect Panda Yawns!

Fluffy yawns can make rabbits expand. Just watch:

Noooo. Too cute.

Kitteh yawn is gonna make you YAWN.

So...have we put you to sleep yet?

Please SHARE these yawning animals with all of your friends, and dare them NOT TO YAWN too!