I am both utterly amazed and confounded when I hear of miracle birth stories.
A "miracle baby" is one who is born against all odds. They might have been born with severe health or physical complications, or were never expected even to live past a few days.
One woman has chosen to do the unimaginable — at 65, she has given birth to a set of quadruplets. Immediately after birth, they experienced nightmarish obstacles.
She also has 13 other children, ranging from the ages of 10 to 44. Throughout her life, she has battled criticism and negativity. Despite the harsh judgment, she has remained true to her own heart and desires. She spoke to The Daily Mail about her experience.
Read on to find out her story, and how she is moving forward with her newest, littlest additions.
What did you think of this woman's miracle babies? Let us know in the comments!
h/t: Daily Mail
Retired schoolteacher Annegret Raunigk, 65, has long been nicknamed "Germany's Oldest Mom." In May, she gave birth to premature quadruplets — three boys and a girl — via in fitro fertilization, or IVF.

The babies, named Neeta, Bence, Dries, and Fjonn, weighed between 1 lb., 7 oz. and 2 lb., 2 oz. when they were born. They were all kept inside incubators the first week after their birth.
So far, Dries has had a procedure to deflect excess fluid from the brain to his abdomen. Neeta had an operation to reconstruct a section in her bowel.
Raunigk is mother to 13 other children, borne of five different fathers. She also has seven grandchildren.

"I sleep very little but I know I can take care of them," she said. She has consistently ignored those who have criticized her decisions to bear children.

Doctors in her native Germany had refused to give her the IVF treatment, due to concerns about her age and the stress the pregnancy and birth would put on her body. Thus, she went to Kiev, Ukraine to seek fertility treatment. While there, she received both an egg and sperm donation. This procedure is illegal in Germany.
"This is not about egotism and it is not selfishness. I like children — they keep me young," she said. "I am looked after, consulted, observed. I am fit and I am ready to have these babies and to care for them."

Raunigk's story has sparked a prolonged debate, and has garnered both support and opposition. What did you think of her situation? Please leave thoughts in the comments when you SHARE with friends and family!