Sleeping Baby Adorably Snuggles Up For A Nap With 2 Tiny Puppies

The relationship between humans and dogs is something that is truly a wonder of the world. Over thousands of years our relationship with these incredible animals has only gotten closer and closer.

Dogs are absolutely in love with us in every way, and humans share that love for our furry friends. But while dogs and humans will always remain the closest of friends, there's an even more powerful bond that dogs share: the feeling they get when they're around human babies!

It's been well documented that dogs will instantly become protective of these defenseless babies, whether it's because they see them as their own pups or because they recognize them as helpless, no one knows for sure. Regardless of the reason, one thing is certain: A dog will do whatever it takes to befriend a little baby!

While grown up dogs will always love babies, the tiny sleepy puppies in the video below will share that amazing path alongside their human companion. This baby and his two adorable puppy pals will grow up together, and over time, they'll become the closest of friends.

With mom keeping a watchful eye on the baby and the puppies, it should be noted that everyone in this adorable video is safe and sound. The puppy near his legs is perfectly healthy these days and the baby is growing up with some of the most amazing friends you could ever ask for!

Please SHARE this adorable video if you think humans and dogs have always been the best of friends!