Babies cry. That’s just what they do. Sometimes they are hungry or tired, not feeling well, or just need a quick diaper change. But other times, they just cry. And cry.
New parents (and old parents) can probably all relate to the helplessness of not being able to comfort their baby and stop the crying. Parenting is hard, really hard. In these challenging moments, parents will try almost anything. And surprisingly, sometimes the most unexpected and often silly things work like a charm.
When adorable baby Grace wouldn’t stop crying, her dad had to think outside the box. Her beautiful, white dress didn't help nor did her bouncy chair.
So what did Grace’s smart and very resourceful dad do? He turned on some music — Ed Sheeran’s "Shape of You." Maybe not your typical nursery rhyme, but sometimes parents have to get creative and whatever works, works!
In the video below, not only does baby Grace calm down and stop crying, but her face lights up as she bounces to the beat.
Sweet baby Grace is guaranteed to make you smile. So next time your little one won’t stop crying, take a lesson from Grace’s dad and turn up the tunes and watch as your baby’s frown turns upside down!
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