Little Avery was having a perfectly normal day out fishing with her father. Nothing out of the ordinary was happening, they got a few bites and perhaps she even caught a perch or two, but little did the duo know that they were moments away from something truly extraordinary!
Though she might be small, and she might be fishing with a pink Barbie pole, that doesn't mean Avery isn't already a big bass catcher! This little girl got one of the biggest bites she's ever felt, and even though it took a lot of work, she managed to reel in a bass that was at least 20 inches!
This fish would be any fisherman's dream catch, something they'd talk about to their friends for years to come. After countless decades of searching for the perfect bass this would be the fish they show off to the world with unimaginable levels of pride.
So for a fish of this perfection to be caught by a little girl? Let's just say it can't get much better than that.
We absolutely love her dad for pushing her to be the very best she can be. Pulling in that fish was no easy task, so for him to get her to do it on her own, even though she's literally begging for help, shows just how amazing he is. Of course he wanted to help her out and take over, but this memory was well worth it in the end. Great job, Avery!
Please SHARE this adorable video if you think Avery did a great job!