Student Stops Short In Front Of An Officer When He Hears The Pledge Of Allegiance

Many will agree that living in the United States is a privilege and an opportunity. We love our country for the values it upholds, and the freedom and the liberty it offers us.

That is why children learn at an early age that the Pledge of Allegiance isn't just a text they recite at the beginning of each day. It takes a true patriot to understand what those words mean, and to honor both the pledge and the flag regardless of the situation.

Now, one kindergartner is showing the rest of us how a true patriot acts! His stunned mother snapped a picture of him that's now going viral for an incredible reason.

Royce Thompson's mom dropped him off just a few minutes late for class, and as he and other children came running into the building, the pledge came on the loudspeakers.

Instead of following his peers into class, he stopped to recite the pledge. But that's not all: He spontaneously said a prayer, too!

Officer Kirby Moore witnessed the scene, and was very moved by the boy's love and respect for his country. It was a moment she wasn't expecting to witness, and a surprising act by a kindergartner!

Now, over 2 million people have reacted and shared the photo of Royce!

Please SHARE if this little boy's patriotism should be an example for proud Americans everywhere!