Curious Buffalo Tests Out A Backyard Trampoline

If you live in parts of the country where huge wild animals like buffalo, moose, and bears can simply wander in your front lawn or backyard, then many would consider you to be lucky! There's nothing more beautiful than nature and how it works. When humans observe them from afar, that's when we realize that they're just like us, and have feel the same emotions as we do. One of those emotions? Curiosity!

Curiosity is what got the best of a buffalo that nonchalantly explored one woman's backyard. There, he found a collapsed trampoline.

Watch the animal as he slowly approaches the trampoline, and carefully sniffs it. Then, without warning, he steps onto it!

We're not sure what we expected to happen, but it's very entertaining to watch: the surface is slick, so he slips a little — and stomps on it in frustration. He even tries to find another way onto the trampoline, as if he wanted to play just like a child would.

Do you think this persistent buffalo will find a way onto it? If so, what do you think would happen? Watch the entire clip to find out!

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