We all know that people can be prima donnas, but what about bulldogs?
After watching this video, I think it's safe to say that dogs can be just as whiny as people – good thing it's a lot funnier and cuter when they do it!
When the bulldog in this video realizes his bed has been taken over by two friends, he starts to growl, and I initially thought he was going to go after them (and almost stopped watching the video). But after a few minutes it becomes clear that he's all bark and no bite, because when they don't move, he switches to whining, hoping they'll just eventually get tired of listening and give him back his favorite spot!
Does his persistence work? Much like dealing with a kid who just won't stop whining until he gets his way, one dog just can't handle it, and eventually gives in.
Do you have a dog with a big personality?
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Source: Bulldog throws temper tantrum for his stolen bed by ivnmacias on Rumble