8 Reasons Why You Should Call Your Mom Right This Second

This year, Mother's Day falls on May 14. It's a wonderful excuse to celebrate moms everywhere, but we can think of a few reasons you should go ahead and call your mom right now!

After all, our mothers are some of the most special people in our lives. Without moms, none of us would be here!

That means that, while Mother's Day is a fabulous opportunity to shower our moms in adorable gifts like these photo clips, we really prefer to celebrate moms every day.

That's why it's always a good idea to call your mom and remind her how much you love her.

Of course, some of us lose our moms earlier than others, but that doesn't mean that they aren't always with us.

If your mom has already passed on, this list is the perfect way to send a little thought her way, and to think about how much you will always love her!


#1: She Gave You Life

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

Your mom carried you in her belly for nine long months.

She endured aches and pains, morning sickness, back pain, and swollen feet, all to bring you into the world.

She went into labor for you, and endured agonizing pain just for the privilege of meeting you.

That bond never fades, and you'll always love her for it!

#2: She Changed Your Diapers

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

When you were just a little vulnerable munchkin, your mom changed your diapers.

She kept you clean and comfortable and healthy, despite the profoundly gross realities of the average baby diaper.

If you have kids of your own, you know that there's something bizarrely beautiful about being a mom… even when you're up in the middle of the night, cleaning poop off that tiny little being.

#3: She Gave You The Confidence To Be Yourself

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

Nobody pumps you up like your mom! Moms are the people who encourage little free spirits to grow up and have big, creative ideas.

When you were 3, she thought your craziest ensembles were the bee's knees. As you grow up, she's in the front row cheering every chance she gets.

If you're a brave, confident person today, you can probably thank your mom for helping you get there!

#4: She Healed Your Scraped Knees And Broken Hearts

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

Your mom was always there to be your listening ear, your nurse, and your therapist, no matter what you needed.

Nobody could kiss a boo-boo better than Mom, and nobody was a better shoulder to cry on after that first devastating breakup.

No matter what curveball life threw at you, your mom was there, picking you up and dusting you off.

#5: She Gave You The Best Advice (Whether You Wanted It Or Not)

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

When you were a teenager, there was a good chance you dismissed all of your mom's advice with an eye roll.

Then, as a grown-up, her wise words started filtering back to you.

It may have taken a little while to sink in, but at some point in your life, you'll be surprised to discover that your mom gave you great insights that you'll come back to time and again.

#6: She Made Sacrifices For You

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

No matter how your mom raised you, we can guarantee she made sacrifices in your name.

Parenting is hard, and maybe she never got to see Machu Picchu or go back for that degree she always wanted because she was too busy being a mom.

Even if she did give up a dream or two, we guarantee that she never regretted it for a second — because she had you!

#7: When It Was Your Turn, She Was There For You

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

If you have kids of your own, you know that when the time came to deliver, there was no one you wanted by your side more than your mom.

She was there to squeeze your hand, give you her hard-won wisdom (which you might have ignored), and offer her services as a babysitter (which you probably gratefully accepted).

When it's your turn to be a mom, she's the best person to show you the ropes.

#8: You’ll Always Love Her To The Moon And Back!

Laura Caseley for LittleThings

Mother-daughter relationships go up and down. There might be times when you see less of each other, or maybe there's even tension between you.

Still, at the end of the day, you will always love her to the moon and back, just like she loves you!

There's no bad time to call your mom, even if all you want to say is "I love you."

Did this inspire you to give your mom a call or reach out to family? Don't forget to SHARE this post and tag your mom, your daughter, and your sister!