Birth Mother And Adoptive Parents Compromise To Raise Baby Boy

At 25 years old Callie Mitchell became pregnant. It was unplanned and left her emotionally torn.

The relationship with the baby's father quickly disintegrated. Like teen mom Kaleena Pysher, Callie would constantly shift between adoption and raising the child.

"Today, I have decided I am going to keep my baby. I never wanted to give my baby away. I want to look at him every day and tell him that I love him. I can feel him fluttering around in my belly, and I want to meet him so badly," she wrote in her blog. However, the next day she would contemplate adoption all over again.

Then, through an adoption agency, she met Kristen and Brian Doud. She believed they might be the perfect parents. They were smart, caring and had the resources to take care of him.

"The moment I saw her, then him, enter my hospital room, a big smile came across my face. They both rushed over and each gave me a hug," she says.

Still Callie kept changing her mind. The thought of parting with her son was painful, she would cry everyday.

“You have very little control over the whole situation,” says Kristen. “At any moment you are aware the birth mom can change her mind. You keep feeling ‘This could end at any moment.’ There’s a part of you that continues to hold your breath.”

Finally, when Callie gave birth she decided that Kristen and Brian would become baby Leo's parents.

However, this open adoption was anything but ordinary. Callie had a few terms of her own. See how the three decided to raise Leo below.

Please SHARE if you think Callie made a hard decision but the best decision for Leo's future.