Riding a bike was one of my many hobbies growing up. I still remember my first set of training wheels, before graduating to a two-wheeler and being able to balance on a bike all by myself.
It was hard, but in the end, I loved riding bikes even if it was a little more work.
At that young age, I never would have attempted a race, especially one that is miles long — but Jacob Mucci decided to enter the sixth annual Winter Wonder Ride at just 7 years old.
That's not all. He also only started riding two-wheelers just three months prior to the long race, which is a feat in itself!
Jacob and his brother were two of 2,500 participants racing to the finish line. But the little boy, being so new to the sport, was on his way to finishing dead last in the race.
Despite the anticipated result, Jacob insisted on continuing, refusing to turn back at any point. So two Tampa, FL, police officers on their own bikes decided to cheer the boy up and cheer him on!
Sergeant Colin McCoy and Officer Luis Vargas from the Tampa Bike Unit flanked him on both sides in the final stretch of the race.
Jacob's mother was thrilled and touched by the gesture, and thanked them for their kindness to her son.
Please SHARE if you think little Jacob definitely felt better about the race after the two officers stepped in to help!