There is nothing more fun than setting newspapers all over the table, grabbing a bunch of crabs, and having the whole family start whacking away!
While just about everyone is used to seeing crabs getting broken apart with wooden or metal mallets, and then broken apart by hand, one woman by the name of Patricia Zirlott shows off her impressive knife talents when it comes to picking crabs.
While her knifework takes a bit more skill, it becomes obvious just how much more meat she can grab from the crab. And once you get good enough with a blade it's obvious how much more efficient this technique is!
Have you ever seen someone use a knife to break apart a crab like this before? This woman clearly knows her way around seafood for sure! There's just something that's so special about hanging out with family and enjoying each other's company.
With the smell of Old Bay in the air, and a nice bushel of fresh crabs taken right out of the water, it's moments like this that help us all remember that there are many more good things in life than there ever will be bad. Times might get rough from time to time, but you can always count on the people you love to help you out and show you how to eat some crab!
Watching this video sure made us hungry!
Please SHARE this cool technique if you'd give it a shot yourself!