Don’t Be Afraid Of Her Appearance.. This Deformed Pit Bull Has A BEAUTIFUL Soul.

Born out of an illegal backyard Pit Bull breeding ring and a clear example of inbreeding, Cuda was the dog that no one wanted. She has a severe underbite, a shortened spine, a hunchback, diabetes, and an underdeveloped pancreas; but to Julie LeRoy, Cuda is the most beautiful creature on Earth.

It was while working as an animal control officer in North Carolina where Julie met Cuda, who got her name because her face resembled a barracuda. As the story goes, a couple paid $50 for her but quickly handed her over to animal control officers because the could no longer keep the puppy. LeRoy took one look at this poor dog who was suffering from an ailment called short spine syndrome, snapped a picture on her phone and immediately sent it to her husband. Short spine syndrome, as they name explains,is caused by a severe shortening of the vertebral column.

After a little bit of begging and pleading and a trip to the vet, Cuda got the A-OK from Julie's husband Scott and was now the newest new member of the LeRoy family. It is almost fate the way these two came into each other's lives.

Cuda now lives in New York with Julie, Scott, and their four dogs and three cats. She does not let her disability get her down, in fact, she travels the country as a part of the Cuda Cares organization that focuses on educating the public about the importance of animal adoption and helping people find low cost spay and neuter clinics in their area, among other amazing causes.

Enjoy the images of this amazing dog below and please SHARE this story with your friends and family.

Cuda's Facebook

Cuda, the adorable Pit Bull, suffers from a possible inbreeding deformation of the spine called short spine syndrome.

Cuda's Facebook

Short spine syndrome is caused by a severe shortening of the vertebral column in the spine and gives Cuda the appearance of a hunchback.

Cuda's Facebook

Cuda poses with her mom, Julie LeRoy, who adopted her when she was an animal control officer in North Carolina.

Cuda's Facebook

Cuda spends some quality time watching the world go by with her brother Titan.

Cuda's Facebook

Although she is suffering from a shortened spine, a hunchback, diabetes, an underdeveloped pancreas, Cuda doesn't let any of that stop her. She still loves to romp around the yard, ear deer poop, and pose for pictures!

Cuda's Facebook

In 2011 Cuda was entered into the World's Ugliest Dog competition but lost. Which was pretty obvious since she just so happens to be the cutest dog in the entire world!