Dad Catches His Falling Son In The Nick Of Time At The Grocery Store

Parenting requires us to be on guard for our children 24/7. At this local grocery store, Dad calmly pays for his groceries as his son sits atop his shoulders.

Store footage shows everyone casually checking out and paying for groceries. But at the :23 mark, something unbelievable happens.

The baby sitting on top of his dad's shoulders slowly starts to slip off. He picks up speed as he slides down to his upper back. Luckily, his dad feels the fall coming on and immediately grabs his son's black shorts as a swift reaction to what could've been a pretty bad accident.

I’m surprised that only one person saw this incredible catch take place. But it makes sense being how quickly it all happened.

After this took place, Dad goes back to checking out his groceries as if nothing happened, and then places his son on the floor as he kneels down beside him.

I was surprised to see such a fast reflex occur, but nothing is impossible when it comes to protecting a child.

This was extraordinary to watch. You truly need to see it to believe it.

If you were impressed by this dad's awesome miracle catch, please SHARE it on Facebook with everyone you know!