When Dad Hears His Daughter Is Upset About Her Doll, He Comes Bursting In Like A Superhero

If you ever meet a man who says he wouldn't play along with his daughters when they do "girly" things, do yourself a big favor and dump him!

The most macho of men aren't afraid to get in with what we traditionally call a "feminine side." While the boundaries between masculine and feminine are rightfully becoming blurrier, there are still definite boundaries in our society.

But it's dads like this one, who lets his little girl paint his nails, that are making this world a better place to live in for the next generation.

The father below is also not afraid of what people will say about him and how he fathers his daughters.

When his two girls aren't happy with the way their Barbies' hair looks, he comes to the rescue in a very silly way.

Scroll through below to see exactly how this incredible dad saves the day.

Daily Mail

The two girls happily play with their Barbie dolls in their room. But then, they realize something's off.

Daily Mail

Her doll's hair should be put up, not down! Of course, why didn't she think of this before?

Daily Mail

Luckily, Dad is here to save the day!

Daily Mail

He assesses the situation and quickly comes up with a solution to the very important problem at hand.

Daily Mail

Once he's all done? Success!

Watch the sweet video below to see Dad's creative problem-solving skills. What a fun memory for these girls to have!

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