This dad should win an award for world’s best "Dad for the Moment."
In this clip, this dad makes it known that he doesn’t might doing the nurturing activities that most dads don’t usually want to be a part of. He doesn’t believe in just being a chaperone. He'd rather partake full throttle in the activity, if his daughter wants to do it.
But that’s not all. When this dad and his daughter are getting their nails done, he makes a deal with his daughter. The deal being that if he’s to get his nails painted, his daughter then needs to eat all of her broccoli for dinner.
If she doesn’t keep her bargain, he’ll take the nail polish off. Seems like a pretty fair deal to me.
However, this adorable young girl doesn’t hold her promise and gives up while eating. Regardless of all the effort she put into trying to eat all her broccoli, her younger sister actually surprised everyone and finished the entire bowl.
This dad believes that children won’t remember the expensive parties and festivities you plan for them, but rather the good memories and happy moments you’ve spent with them throughout the years.
“Don’t be a 'Dad of the Year,' be a 'Dad of the Moment,'” he says — a statement that every parent should live by when raising children.
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