Dad Tries To Help Daughter Put On Makeup, Then She Looks Into The Camera To Check It

The internet has become a place where anyone and everyone can put their passions out into the world. Many people provide YouTube videos of their comedic moments, advice, or tutorials on their areas of expertise.

Whether it's a do-it yourself home video tutorial, workout routine, hair and makeup tutorial, or even a recipe, everyone can find their niche.

And when they do, they can even become an internet sensation!

Many women and men have done exactly that with their incredible makeup tutorials. It's practically become its own art. Whether it's a subtle touch and pop of color or a complete transformation, everyone has their own take on what makes them look best. And it's a great way to help people feel confident about themselves!

It just so happens that it also doesn't matter what age you are. The pint-sized girl in the video below is named Giana. She is adorably obsessed with Justin Bieber, and she happens to have some great makeup tips.

After starting her makeup tutorial, she decides she needs to call in for some unexpected backup: her dad!

Giana and her dad are a great team, and it's absolutely adorable watching him try to get the eyeliner on her just right.

In the end, Giana clearly had fun, and that's all that matters!

Please SHARE this adorable father-daughter makeup tutorial with everyone you know on Facebook!