When it comes to cleaning, some people love it and others hate it. I’m in that latter camp. I’d like the process to be over as quickly as possible, so whenever I learn about a time-saving cleaning trick, I’m always game to give it a whirl.
For instance, I hate it when I take the time to detail the interior of my car, but I can’t get all those tiny (delicious Krispy Kreme donut) crumbs out of the crevices in the gearshift. That was, until I read about using goo to snatch those little suckers out of my car, keyboard, and more.
My other biggest cleaning complaint (other than the act of cleaning itself, which, did I mention, I despise?!) is cleaning really gross or confusing things, which seems to take forever. I remember once I took an hour just trying to figure out how to clean a coffee maker. How do you do it?!
I’ve got two words for you: denture tablets. And it doesn't just end at coffee makers.
What else? You’ve got to watch the video below on how to use these powerful little nuggets to find out. It's pretty amazing. Believe me, I tried some of these tricks out, and now I have more time to do way more fulfilling things…like eating Krispy Kreme donuts.
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