On March 4, 2013, Leslie and her husband, David, started out on a walk on a beautiful Utah day. A nearby driver was texting on her phone — driving distracted and over the speed limit — when she ran into another car and pushed that car into David and Leslie. David was killed on impact, right there on the sidewalk.
In the video below, you'll meet two people who were brought together on that tragic day. Leslie was transferred to the trauma unit. She sustained a fractured neck, back and head trauma, and received 5,000 stitches and staples in her skull. Thanks to a team of amazing medical professionals, Leslie should have a full recovery.
Fred was the man behind the wheel of the car that hit Leslie and killed David. "As I started down the road, I noticed a couple walking on the sidewalk," he says. "I took a glance in the rear-view mirror and saw this car coming up incredibly fast. And before I had a chance to even react to it, the car hit me from behind and knocked my car out of control, and the next thing I remember is heading towards the two walkers…"
Fred also recalls a vivid image of David, who did something so heroic for his wife seconds before he died, that it'll bring tears to your eyes.
Note: There are graphic images of Leslie's injuries between :46 and 1:11.
Because of distracted driving, one life was lost and many lives were changed forever. Please focus on the road when you're driving, and please SHARE this powerful story with your friends on Facebook.