These Dog Horoscopes Are So Accurate It’s Scary

When it comes to pup personalities, I think all dog lovers know that no two pooches are alike.

After all, people come in a never-ending supply of personality types, from outgoing to analytical and every combination in between. Why should dogs be any different?

Personally, we know zippy dogs, sleepy dogs, cuddly dogs, and even guilty dogs that apologize for bad behavior with a sweet hug. What we don’t know is exactly what determines doggy personality traits.

Most likely it’s some combination of nature, nurture, and brain structure. Still, we love speculating on some of the more “out there” explanations behind canine temperaments.

One of our favorites should be familiar to anyone who has ever turned to the stars for insights into life, love, and the future: the good old-fashioned horoscope!

While we aren’t necessarily convinced that astrology offers much substantial information, we do have to admit that this doggy horoscope is uncannily spot-on for the lovely pups in our lives.

Check it out below and see if you agree!

Aries Pups: March 21 to April 19

Heeral Chhibber for LittleThings

This dog is born alpha, through and through!

When you go on a walk, he's charging ahead in the lead, and he never has a single doubt who's really the boss in your house.

This pup might push your buttons or challenge you if he's not socialized and trained well early on, but as long as he gets plenty of instruction and positive reinforcement, he'll be a charismatic family member who takes care of everyone in his pack.

Taurus Pups: April 20 to May 20

Heeral Chhibber for LittleThings

You know that pup that resolutely digs in her heels when you try to coax her away from an interesting smell or a favorite toy?

That's the quintessential Taurus dog.

Taurus doggies are stubborn as can be, but that also makes them incredible loyal companions who will dedicate themselves completely to their favorite person.

This pup also loves wide-open spaces, and barking at passing birds.

Gemini Pups: May 21 to June 20

Heeral Chhibber for LittleThings

The Gemini pup is a sensitive sweetheart who has some trouble making decisions.

You may recognize this pup for her tendency to go outside, then beg to come back in, then immediately go back out again.

The rest of the time, she can probably be found soliciting cuddles from her favorite people, because she needs lots and lots of attention!

Cancer Pups: June 21 to July 22

Heeral Chhibber for LittleThings

Cancer dogs are born lovebugs.

These sweet, affectionate animals are always happy to get attention, but they like to give it even more, greeting people at the door with lots of kisses, cuddles, and waggy tails.

Friendly as these animals are, they can be a bit nervous, so make sure they get lots of reassurance during thunderstorms or other noisy times.

Leo Pups: July 23 to August 22

Heeral Chhibber for LittleThings

This goofy pooch just loves to be the center of attention, and will do anything for the limelight.

He can be mischievous and sneaky, and is totally the type to sneak into the kitchen and grab that nice juicy steak while your back is turned.

You can't stay mad for long, though, because this charmer is just too fun and silly!

Virgo Pups: August 23 to September 22

Heeral Chhibber for LittleThings

If you have a Virgo dog in your life, you're probably very familiar with keeping careful routines.

This dog likes to do things by the book, and gets a bit cranky if you change the schedule around on her.

She is very bright, and loves the challenge of being trained to behave perfectly, and getting rewarded for it!

She might enjoy dog competitions.

Libra Pups: September 23 to October 22

Heeral Chhibber for LittleThings

This pup is smart, smart, smart — sometimes too brainy for his own good!

He loves complicated toys that take some puzzling to solve, and is happiest when he has a task to complete, like fetching a ball or tracking down a hidden treat.

But all that brain power requires the occasional recharge; Libra pups might be notable for their love of long, luxurious naps.

Scorpio Pups: October 23 to November 21

Heeral Chhibber for LittleThings

The Scorpio dog is another brainy pup, but she can get a little bit excitable and irritable if the task takes too long to complete — this is not a patient animal!

She loves to swim, and will take off into the water faster than you can blink, so make sure she's near a dog beach or a lake for swimming, and always has someone watching her in the water.

She also has a bit of a hoarding and hiding instinct, so if your socks, sneakers, or throw pillows start to go missing, maybe track your sneaky Scorpio one day and see whether she knows where they are!

Sagittarius Pups: November 22 to December 21

Heeral Chhibber for LittleThings

The Sagittarius dog is always on the go, sometimes to his owner's chagrin!

This pup has a tendency to roam, and might take off into the neighbor's backyard if you don't pay attention.

It's not that he doesn't want to be with you, he just wants to see all the other stuff, too.

On the bright side, this adventurous instinct makes him a great travel companion if you have a case of wanderlust yourself!

Capricorn Pups: December 22 to January 19

Heeral Chhibber for LittleThings

The Capricorn dog is a lovely dog who knows just how pretty she is!

She can be a teeny bit vain, but she knows how to bat those puppy-dog eyes, and you just can't resist.

She loves to be praised and petted, but she can be shy at times, so she might prefer all of this loving attention to come from people she already knows.

Aquarius Pups: January 20 to February 18

Heeral Chhibber for LittleThings

The Aquarius dog is a steady, kindhearted companion with a penchant for lazing in the sun.

This pup is at his happiest lying out on the porch having a nap, preferably with a toddler or two playing within earshot.

These dogs love to take care of the children in their family and will adopt human babies as their own.

Though they might be naturally lazy, they will move like lightning if their little one needs a paw up.

Pisces Pups: February 19 to March 20

Heeral Chhibber for LittleThings

Pisces are delicate, dreamy dogs who are very gentle to the people around them, and very intuitive.

This sweetheart is a quiet homebody who doesn't make a lot of noise or require a lot of attention most of the time.

That said, you should still pay lots of attention, especially if this pup is acting strange.

This is the kind of pup who might predict a storm, a pregnancy, or even an illness before humans can detect it, so her insights are worth listening to!

What do you think? Do you have a pup in your life who matches her astrological profile? Let us know in the comments, and don't forget to SHARE with fellow dog lovers!