I love buying a cute new pair of earrings or picking the perfect necklace for an evening out, but I have to admit I probably spend a bit more money on things I could totally craft myself. That's exactly why I'm glad a friend told me about a few of these super easy DIY jewelry projects!
I'm usually reluctant to roll my sleeves up for crafts. It's mostly because I'm sure I'll make a huge mess and end up wasting more time and money than I would have just going to the store, but that's what makes all of these ideas so amazing! They're practically foolproof — and trust me, I'm a pretty big fool.
On top of being budget friendly and simple to assemble, they're all totally adorable, too!
Have you ever made your own DIY jewelry? Let us know in the comments at the end, and be sure to SHARE with your friends!
Thumbnail Source: Flickr / Hey Paul Studios
1. Bobby Pin Necklace

Craft blogger m4keshiftmichelle used vibrant nail polish and some painter's tape to add the stripe across the bobby pins after laying them out together side by side. Then, all she had to do was attach them to string — and you can use any type of string you'd like!
2. Hot Glue Earrings

How clever is this craft from blogger Vikalpah? These sparkly pieces can be made by letting hot glue cool down in a circle shape and painting them with nail polish before adding to an earring stud.
3. Blue Jean Earrings

This is the perfect use for any old pair of jeans you can't wear anymore. Instructables user upmade folded the strips of denim into the geometric design, adding thread for a nice accent. You can totally twist or braid them into any shape you'd like.
4. Lace Necklace

This precious idea from Instructables user MariaCraftMedley connects the layers of lace with circular jump rings rather than glue or thread.
5. Safety Pin Bracelet

Instructables user Nicole_David used subdued brown and purple beads for this easy craft, but you can obviously go as bright as you'd like with your own design. Simply add the beads to a regular safety pin and tie them together with string.
6. Screw Earrings

You will have to bust out a power tool to remove the tops of the screws for this project by Instructables user crochetn, but after that, all you need is really strong glue to fix them to the earring posts.
7. Thread Statement Necklace

The possibilities are totally endless for this kitschy craft, but Caitlin from DIY With Caitlin decided to add adorable fuzzy balls to hers after wrapping and supergluing different colored thread around a small piece of electrical wire. She then added a chain.
8. Wire Heart Ring

I love the hearts Muhaiminah Faiz from The Craftaholic Witch twisted into her crafting wire ring using pliers, but my mind immediately started thinking of even more cool designs you can make with the bendy material.
9. Zipper And Clay Necklace

That's right, this super-fancy-looking necklace charm was made by Instructables user R-I-H-A-M by trimming a cheap zipper and adding some bright polymer clay, then baking it in the oven to set it in place.
10. Hex Nut Bracelet

Instructables user Ruth in Craftsville has tons of these little nuts and washers lying around thanks to her engineering husband, so she simply braided some cord together and added the nuts into each loop at an angle for this awesome bracelet.
Have you ever made any other super easy DIY jewelry? Let us know below, and be sure to SHARE with your friends!