The grieving process after the death of a loved one can often be a long and grueling process filled with a roller-coaster ride of emotions. If you’re extremely lucky, though, sometimes a rainbow can emerge from the clouds at the end of a powerful thunderstorm.
Barbara Lytrell found herself to be a widow when her husband, Jonath, died when she was in her early 60s. After her husband’s death, she was feeling lonely and a little lost because she had lived all of those years alongside her husband and suddenly he was gone.
The couple had never had children because Jonath never wanted any. Barbara spent a lot of her time in her garden tending to her herbs, vegetables, and flowers.
Barbara tried to continue on with her daily routine, but when she found herself missing the companionship of her husband, she began daily visits to his grave for comfort.
One day when she was visiting her husband’s grave, she came across a little boy and girl playing in front of it. When she asked the two if they were lost, the little boy shook his head and asked, “Is this the grave of Jonath Lytrell?”
A bit confused, Barbara told them that it was and found herself even more surprised by their response.
“We’re waiting for Mrs. Barbara Lytrell,” the little girl excitedly exclaimed. “She’s our grandmother!”
Barbara’s mind started going a mile a minute as she immediately thought up various scenarios wherein these two children could possibly be her grandchildren. Did her beloved husband have an affair and children she knew nothing about?
To find out the truth, watch the video in full.