As legend has it, a fairy door appears and disappears at the whim of the magical fairies who build them. They're portals into their world that will only work for them. Some of us humans have also taken it upon ourselves to install them simply because they're very cute.
Whether or not you believe in fairies, these little doors are absolutely precious. If you love all things small or miniature, then if you haven't heard of fairy doors until this moment, I'm glad you came here — your life may very well have just changed for the better!
If you've ever stumbled upon a fairy door in your everyday life, then you know how they can make a bad day so much better, or a good day incredible. It's hard not to smile when you see one in someone's backyard, or even hidden in the woods.
Some folks also choose to place them inside of their homes for their young children or grandchildren.
Do you believe in fairies? I'm not sure what to think, but the last one on this list of 14 fairy door ideas is pretty convincing!
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Quite the sophisticated fairy lives behind this little fairy door, for sure.

Imagine coming across this sweet little door on an afternoon walk. Amazing!

I wish my front door looked more like this fairy's door.

What a fun little touch to a city scene!

This topsy-turvy door is such a fun thing to stumble upon in the woods.

If I were a fairy, I'd definitely knock on this door, if I ever needed to borrow a cup of sugar.

The little marshmallows leading up to this fairy door make it extra sweet!

A pop of pastel purple in the forest is sure to catch your eye.

This little stoop is absolutely precious.

The ladder just kills me, it's so cute!

Plain and simple, this one is is just so lovely.

This glittery door is exactly what I would expect from a fairy door in all its glory.

The door knocker bead is the perfect little touch here.

This one may just take the cake for me — it looks like a real fairy built it using all of the things she found out in the woods. Maybe fairies really do exist after all!
Please SHARE these sweet doors with your family and friends on Facebook!