I've never been particularly afraid of snakes, but I've also never lived in an area where dangerous and venomous snakes are common.
Last Thanksgiving, however, I went to visit my grandparents in Arizona, and one morning, my parents and I decided to go on a hike.
We reached the top of the trail, and I noticed that there was a grouping of large rocks that I knew I had to climb to the top of.
I left my phone and water bottle with my parents, and they kindly reminded me to watch out for snakes. I hadn't even thought about the fact that there might be snakes in the rocks, so I was extra cautious as I climbed. Luckily, I didn't see any, but I'd like to think I would spot one if it was nearby.
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Unfortunately, after looking at this photo of a hidden carpet python, I definitely don't feel as confident about my snake-spotting abilities as I once did.
Photo: Facebook / Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7

On January 10, 2018, the Facebook page Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7 shared the above image. Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers was challenging its followers to try to find the snake hiding in the picture.

Take a look at this picture: Do you see the snake?
Look closely, it's hidden really well!
It could be under the rocks, in the trees, in the dirt, or anywhere, really!

If you're totally stumped like most of us probably are, here's a picture of the type of snake you're looking for.
The python is a taupe color with darker spots on it. Not something I'd particularly want to run into on a day out in the park!

If you still can't find the snake, don't worry — most people couldn't! People were scanning this photo up and down and still couldn't seem to find any snakes of any kind, anywhere at all!

Even after staring at this picture for 20 minutes, I was completely lost. I even took my finger over the entirety of the photo and checked every possible corner for sneaky snakes but came up with zilch.

People had a million guesses about where the snake might be, but are any of them, right?

Honestly, with everyone's guesses, there could be a million snakes!
Let's take a closer look by breaking down the picture into quadrants.

Scan through each quadrant one at a time. Do you see the snake yet?
Okay, here's a hint for all of you impatient people: The snake is hiding in the third quadrant.

The carpet python is hidden somewhere in this portion of the picture.
Look closely — even though you know it's here, it's still really hard to find it!

Okay, are you ready to find out where exactly the snake is hidden?
The answer is below!

There it is! It's curled up at the bottom of the palms.
Even with a circle around the snake, it's still challenging to see it! That's some good camouflage.

Some people were happy to find out that they were right all along, while others were still confused about where exactly the snake was.

I can't believe that some people were able to see the snake without getting any help! They must have better than 20/20 vision or know something about snakes that I don't!

If you love hidden animal pictures like this one, please SHARE this article with your friends!