Stockton firefighters are always on a mission to save lives, but when they got a call from Welcome Home Heroes Foundation to help a military mom surprise her daughter, they kicked into full gear to help touch lives.
Firefighters often go beyond the call of duty, such as the Reading, MA firefighters who sang Frozen’s “Let It Go” to 4-year-old girl stuck in an elevator and when firefighters bonded with baby girl who was surrendered to them by a young mother. This time, however, they took it one step further to make a perfect family reunion happen.
An important milestone is on the horizon for Sergeant Amber Broughton’s teenage daughter, graduating from high school next week. While it’s an exciting time to share with friends, it’s just not as complete without your mom there. (If you’re a daughter, you know this all too well.)
For the past 14 years, Sgt. Broughton has been serving in the Army. Recently, the courageous mom just returned from her second tour of duty. She was stationed at Camp Buehring, Kuwait for a year and is currently assigned with B Co, 640th Aviation Support Battalion.
Sgt. Broughton’s daughter may be used to her mom serving her country and knows the drill by now, but that doesn’t make her absence any easier. With that said, she had no idea that her mom would be back so early, which in turn helped make the surprise even more memorable.
When fire trucks and Fire Chief Erik Newman pulled up on the scene to stage mock-structure fire response at the residence, she was caught off-guard.
Her mom then exited the chief’s vehicle in full uniform and held out her arms to embrace her daughter. The mother-daughter duo’s powerful reunion gave the tough guys a run for their money as there wasn’t a dry eye on the scene. Mission completed!
Please SHARE this heartfelt story with firefighter and military friends and family!