Firefighters Rush To Save Mom In Crash, But She Tells Them To Sing To Autistic Daughter Instead

It's one of every parent's nightmares while traveling on the road: you and your child get into a car accident.

Most, if not every mom and dad, would prioritize the well-being of their child before their own, but being able to check on or even just comfort that baby becomes impossible if they are hurt themselves.

This was the case of mother Summer Ginn, who suddenly lost control of her car with her daughter, Raelyn, in the backseat. The vehicle plowed through trees and mailboxes before coming to a halt.

She realized that she was badly injured with a huge gash in her head. She could hear Raelyn crying, so she knew she was alive, but had no way to be with her.

When first responders arrived on the scene and tended to her and her daughter, Ginn made a strange request. She asked two firefighters if they could sing to Raelyn. She is autistic, and one song would be able to calm her down.

The firefighters obliged, and the mother couldn't be more thankful for their help. She's happy she and Raelyn are both alive, of course, but those firefighters went the extra mile to make the little girl feel safe!

Facebook / Summer Ginn

Summer Ginn and her daughter, Raelyn, were traveling in their car when the mother suddenly lost control of the vehicle, and hit four trees and a mailbox while driving at 60 mph.

Facebook / Summer Ginn

The car was wrecked, and Ginn was badly injured.

Facebook / Summer Ginn

She was not only banged up and bruised, but she also had a huge gash in her head, and was bleeding out profusely. The mother says that her memory of the accident gets hazy.

Facebook / Summer Ginn

Raelyn, who is autistic, was in the backseat. Ginn knew she was alive because she was crying, but she didn't know how to get to her. All she wanted to do was comfort her.

Facebook / Summer Ginn

Luckily, first responders were on the scene in no time and tended to the pair. Ginn made one request: She asked two firefighters, Caleb Rumbaugh and Brian Gregory, if they could sing “Wheels On the Bus” to the frantic child. 

Facebook / Summer Ginn

They did so without hesitation, going above and beyond to soothe the little girl. The mother couldn't be more thankful for obliging!

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