One of the greatest parts about ordering Chinese food has nothing to do with the fried rice or sweet and savory sauces. The fortune cookies that come with the meal are a simple, sweet treat, but the real enjoyment that comes with cracking them open lies in the messages written on the tiny strips of paper inside them. Usually, the fortunes predict your future or deliver some sage wisdom, but every once in a while, they turn out to be completely hilarious.
Many people believe that fortune cookies trace their origins back to China, but actually, they're an American tradition and really don't exist in China. Of course, that's not to say that the Chinese don't have other fortune telling traditions — you can use their zodiac to learn about your own personality traits!
Even though fortune cookies might not have actual mystic abilities, they're still a lot of fun to open and eat. This family actually used a fortune cookie to create a super cute and original pregnancy announcement! It's always exciting when your own fortune manages to surprise you… And if you're lucky, it might even make you crack up.
Check out these hilarious fortunes found in cookies, and let us know if you've ever found such a funny message inside one of your own. Number 12 has to be the funniest bit of advice I've ever read!
Don't forget to SHARE these hilarious fortunes with everyone you know to give them a chuckle!
1. This motto to live by

2. This not-so-subtle self-promotion

3. This inspiration to live for the moment

4. This depressing (yet true) prediction

5. This simple predictor of good luck

6. This accusatory message

7. This handy tip you can use at work

8. This hilariously bad joke

9. This fortune that can help you save money on your next visit

10. This "Error: 4-0-Fortune"

11. This sassy comeback to use when anyone complains of a headache

12. This advice that made me feel a lot better about all the ice cream I just ate

13. This advice that a lot of us are already living by

14. This typo that discusses your fruitful achievements

15. This self-serving fortune

16. This unusual but wise tip

17. This advice you can't ignore

18. This message that's kind of a disappointment

19. This punny fortune

20. This definition that we're all too familiar with

21. This question that will keep you up at night

22. This particularly visual bit of advice

23. This tidbit that might scare you away from eating cookies forever

24. This fortune that says what we've all thought at one point or another

Make sure you SHARE these hilarious fortunes with everyone you know!