New United Nations Study Suggests Global Warming Is Not Due To Human-Made Pollution

Global climate change has been a controversial issue for years now. Back in the 1970s, "Global Cooling" was a very real and present danger that was a known fact, with respectable news publications such as Time and Newsweek predicting the inevitable global ice age set to wipe humanity off the map.

Fast-forward 40 years and just about everyone will scoff at the ignorance of scientists and doomsday soothsayers of the disco-filled '70s. How wrong we all were; how could we hold such false confidence in anything that is not a tested and established scientific law?

Lo and behold: the scientists of the 2000s, urged on by progressive politicians such as Al Gore discovered that the world would not end in ice but in fire, and anyone who said otherwise was a foolish idiot that probably still believed in the now scientifically disproven God.

And while people in Texas suffer from flooding, Liberals everywhere eagerly smack their lips and point their fingers shouting, once again, "See! Told ya so!"

However, in a new study by a former top climate scientist for the United Nations, it seems that the Earth might be warming up due to natural causes, with nothing to do with human-made pollution. Western Journalism reports:

“Global temperature change observed over the last hundred years or so is well within the natural variability of the last 8,000 years, according to a new paper by a former Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change (IPCC) lead author. Dr. Philip Lloyd, a South Africa-based physicist and climate researcher, examined ice core-based temperature data going back 8,000 years to gain perspective on the magnitude of global temperature changes over the 20th Century.”

No one should say that global warming is a hoax, just as much as no one should use fear, death, and tragedy to declare that global warming is very real. Humans should respect the one planet they have at this moment, but while Al Gore continues to accumulate thousands of miles in airplane flights, millions of dollars in speaking fees, and thousands of pages of data, we should probably get our barometer of hypocrisy repaired.

It's important to realize that the world was once flat, and that to put our politicians in charge of our "moral compass" has always been something that we should be wary of. Scientists need to stop scoffing at "deniers" and spend all of their time, effort, and technology to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that what they have to say is absolutely correct. There have been enough fad fears over the years, and with each cry of "Wolf!" the credibility of those who used to be respected is being seen as nothing more than hot air.

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