He Spotted A Gigantic Spider In His House…But What Happened AFTER That Is Even Scarier!

The video is simple enough: this poor man's daughter is filming him as he makes a terribly tragic decision. He steps up onto a small stepladder and…well, there's no way to accurately describe the horrible occurrence that happens next. All I can tell you is that the video ends with the man's daughter reproaching him in a cute voice, "I told you not to play with spiders!"

If the idea of angry dancing spiders grosses you out more than anything in the world, then you're better off watching an adorable baby puppy getting grumpy at a lemonprecious newborn poodle who can fit in the palm of your hand is more to your liking.

But if you're brave enough to watch this terrifying, one-minute-long video, then more power to you. Just know that you've been warned!

If you're an arachnophobe, this video is the stuff of nightmares. The spider in this video is huge and doesn't seem to want to mess around. The man in this video is either insanely brave, insanely stupid, insane, or a combination of all three!

What would you do if you found a spider like that on your ceiling? Would you do what that man did in the video below, or would you just try to find a really big shoe to squash it? Either way, this spider sends shivers down my spine!

Please SHARE this crazy spider video with your friends!