Schoolchildren In Japan Get Amazing Life Lessons Every Time They Eat Lunch

When we think back to the lunches we were served in elementary school, it's tempting to cringe. School lunches in the United States have developed a bit of a reputation for lacking in both the nutrition and flavor departments, and I'm willing to bet not many people miss the watery green beans and rubbery "meat" that they ate in the cafeteria when they were younger. Surprisingly, though, school lunches are actually pretty impressive in many other countries, and some schools in Japan have even taken things a step further.

We've seen before that schools in Japan teach their kids a lot of cool skills. These kids are young, but they're already experts at jumping rope! But what's really impressive about the school shown in this video is how much the students get out of lunchtime. Not only does the food look just as delicious and healthy as the mouth-watering food that's served in some French schools, but the young students themselves play a huge part in preparing, serving, and cleaning up their lunch! It's incredible how disciplined and mature these kids are for being so young, and best of all, they're more than happy to have so many jobs at lunchtime.

I really love how lunchtime in this Japanese school isn't just a time to sit down and mindlessly eat. All the kids in the classroom are given jobs so they can appreciate just how much work goes into the food on their plates. What really struck me is how polite they are to not only each other, but also to the school staff! These kids are already well on their way to being successful adults thanks to all the life skills they learn every time they sit down for lunch.

Make sure you SHARE this video with everyone you know so they can see what school lunches should really look like!