Do you ever wish that you were a kid again, running around the playground with your friends at recess? Or maybe you still do feel like a kid, even though its been decades since you were too short to ride a roller coaster?
Everyone has some youth inside of them, even if you are a little bit of an old soul as well. But some of us have more than others. There are some who haven't entirely let go of the kid inside, and there's nothing wrong with that! Not everyone has to act like an "adult" all the time. Life would be so boring, don't you think?
These 16 things are all surefire signs that you're still a kid at heart, no matter what your age is. If you ask me, that's the way to live life!
Did we miss anything that you think makes you a kid at heart? What is your favorite youthful thing to do? Let us know in the comments.
Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook if you never want to let go of the kid in you!
Thumbnail source: Imgur
1. You Still Love Picture Books
Every time you read a goodnight book to your kid, grandkid, niece, or nephew, you find yourself just as enthralled with the story as they are.
2. You Take Every Chance To Get Messy
Whether it's getting covered in dirt while gardening or having glitter everywhere with arts and crafts, getting dirty doesn't bother you. In fact, it's really quite fun!
3. Grilled Cheese Is Still The Best
Grilled cheese, mac and cheese, hot dogs – whatever Mom or Dad used to make you are still what you crave the most. No matter what kinds of fancy meals you've had in your day, sometimes it's the simplest dishes that make you the happiest.
4. Cartoons Still Make You Laugh
There's a reason they make some cartoons specifically for adults: some of us just don't want to let them go. Why should we? If it makes you laugh, embrace it.
5. An Entire Day Outside Sounds Like Heaven
A day at the beach or a day at the park sounds like the most incredible day ever. Bring a kite and a frisbee along, and the best day ever gets even better!
6. You Still Think About What You Want To Be When You Grow Up
Even if you're already in retirement, you wonder what it would be like to become an astronaut, an architect, or a professional dancer. You simply have never stopped dreaming, even though you've fulfilled so many other dreams of yours.
7. You'd Wear Pajamas All The Time If You Could
There is nothing better than lounging around on a rainy day in your pajamas, and if you could wear the same attire to work, you definitely would.
8. You Doodle On Everything
You still let your imagination run wild while you're in meetings or waiting around at the doctors office, and you've got a whole notebook full of random little drawings.
9. Snow Days Still Make Your Heart Swell
Even though you know snow is a pain in the butt, there's still a part of you that gets so excited for the possibility of a foot of snow. You may even keep a spoon under your pillow in hopes you might be able to work from home the next day (one of my favorite childhood superstitions).
10. Answering The Phone Is Intimidating
What if it is someone you don't want to talk to? What do you say? What if it's important and you aren't prepared? This is a source of a lot of anxiety.
11. The Dark Is Still Scary
You know that there are no monsters under your bed, but your young mind still conjures all sorts of scary creatures that make you keep a nightlight on while you sleep. Heaven forbid the power goes out and you're caught in a pitch dark room!
12. You Pick Apart Your Food
You hate peas. You've always hated peas. You will never not hate peas, so out of the fried rice they come.
13. Holidays Are A Huge Deal
Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Hanukkah, the Fourth of July, and birthdays are all days to get incredibly excited about. Waking up on Christmas morning is the most magical feeling in the world, and of course Santa still gets his cookies.
14. Chocolate Milk Is Your Favorite Drink
Maybe you don't have it every day, but when you do? Boy is it incredible. All the childhood memories come flooding back, especially when you spill it!
15. You Need To Touch Everything In Sight
Your curiosity has never wavered, and when you go shopping, you have to touch every single garment in the store to see if it feels the way it looks.
16. You Still Worry What Mom Would Think
Every day, you wonder what your mom would do in each situation, and you worry about what she would think about the mistakes you've made. You go to her for advice as often as possible, if you can.
Are you still a kid at heart? Did we miss anything from our list? Let us know in the comments and please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook!