I once thought that tree houses could only exist on movie sets and in the backyards of families who live in rural suburbia. However, I’ve been pleasantly mistaken!
This epic work of art is the world’s largest treehouse; located in Crossville, TN. It’s four-stories high, 97-feet tall, and is supported by six different trees.
This house is the stuff of fairy tales! With 80 rooms lodged inside and a bell tower filled with repurposed oxygen tanks which serve as bells that chime daily, you’d think the architect had pages and pages of an intricate layout plan.
Minister Horace Burgess decided to build this epic house on a whim. He said that the idea came to him in a vision while deep in prayer. The minister was no architect and didn’t in fact have any concrete plans when building. This house took about 14 years to make and is filled with doors, ladders, and stairs that don’t lead you where you’d expect.
The Minister’s treehouse is mainly supported by an 80-foot white oak tree that runs through it on the third floor.
Unfortunately, because the house was built haphazardly and is a pretty big fire hazard, this house was closed to the public in 2012.
Over 2,000 people signed a petition to reopen this beautiful wooden masterpiece, but without the funds to fix it, there’s a high possibility that no one will be able to step foot inside again.
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