Wow! This video simply leaves me breathless and inspired at the same time.
I have a 5-year-old son who is just now getting into LEGOs, and even though we’re working on buildings that are more age-appropriate for him, I can’t wait until we start tackling projects like the one in this video in the near future!
In this clip, a young boy basically makes his LEGO dream a reality as he builds an incredible replica of the Titanic. Even though this video is only a little over a minute long, you can tell that he put in a lot of detail into his work while following a tutorial he'd found online. It takes an incredible amount of time, dedication and commitment to make something so big like this out of tiny, little LEGOs. Seriously, the only details missing are a LEGO-sized Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, because this ship looks as good as the 1997 movie's recreation of the real Titanic!
Have you ever built a LEGO project like this one? I’ll admit that it is one of the most therapeutic exercises for me, as it does a great job of relieving my everyday stress. I definitely need to hit my local LEGO store more often and spend my time doing more stuff like this with my kids on the weekends!
If you agree, please SHARE this video with all of your friends and family on Facebook!