Hilarious Ad Envisions Tampons For Men

I'll never understand tampon commercials. For some reason, the companies that profit off our periods like to pretend that Aunt Flo is a peaceful woman that lets you do yoga in white spandex, all while acting like this is the best you've felt all month. Is this advertising that really appeals to women who want nothing more than to lie in bed all day with a heating pad and a bottomless bag of our favorite junk food? I sure don't think so.

But what if men got periods instead? Why, we'd have Manpons, of course. This hilarious, action-packed ad features two brawny men who need to change their tampons at the gym, so it's a good thing they have these wind-resistant, NASA-engineered cotton sticks to help them out. It seems a bit ridiculous until you realize that this is exactly how men's razors are advertised.

This commercial had me cracking up, but its purpose isn't just for comedy. We've shown you before what would happen if men were the ones who got periods instead of women, but beyond being able to watch our brothers and husbands get super emotional over nothing, you can also bet that there would be more resources to help them out during their time of the month. Even though women have made huge strides in achieving equality, there are still millions of women who live in nations that dramatically favor men. WaterAid made this video to draw attention to how many women all over the world don't even have access to toilets during their periods. By signing their petition, you can help get toilets and faucets to everyone by 2030. Go sign it now and help make a difference!

There's no doubt that the world would be a very different place if men were the ones who got to experience menstruation every month. But really, if I saw a tampon commercial this cool that was geared towards women, you can bet that I'd be buying from that company instead of the ones that try to convince you that having a period is actually tons of fun.

If you love the idea of manpons (and the wonderful cause behind them), SHARE this video with everyone you know! Together, we can help make sure that women all over the world have an easier time during that time of the month.