Mark Ruffalo is one of the most beloved people in Hollywood.
I think of Mark Ruffalo like a cool uncle. He's a funny guy who always seems to brighten the mood. He's starred in some of my favorite movies, and he seems to have both a good head on his shoulders and a good heart in his chest.
On Thursday night, Mark attended the Hollywood premiere of Thor: Ragnarok. He stars as Hulk in the new movie.
Mark attended the premiere with his wife and two of his children.
While on the red carpet, Mark decided it would be fun to livestream to his thousands of Instagram followers. He wanted everyone to have a chance to see what it's like to be on a red carpet.
The livestream went really well, except for one tiny issue: Mark forgot to turn it off when the movie started!
Keep reading to learn more about this hilarious accident.
Thumbnail Photos: Twitter / halrhorer // Twitter / Mark Ruffalo
[H/T: The Cut]

On October 12, 2017, actor Mark Ruffalo attended the premier of Thor: Ragnarok with his family.

While on the red carpet before the film, Mark started an Instagram livestream video. He wanted to share the event with his followers, and show everyone what a red carpet is really like.

Mark's livestream went really well, and thousands of people tuned in to watch.

But there was one little snafu. When the red carpet ended and the movie began, Mark forgot to turn off his livestream.

Mark had placed his cell phone back in his pocket, but hadn't ended the stream. Around 2,000 people were watching a black screen — but they could hear perfectly.

From inside Mark Ruffalo's pocket, his fans heard the first 10 minutes 0f the new Thor movie.

Some people were upset about the spoilers, but most thought it was a funny accident.

The funniest moment, though, is when Mark actually realized he'd been livestreaming for 10 minutes!

He quickly ended the stream, but the damage, if you want to call it that, had already been done.
Some fans are worried Mark will get in trouble with the moviemakers for leaking the film, but it really seems like this was a genuine accident. Hopefully they'll forgive him.

I for one am pretty sure this is the best "butt dial" situation ever!
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