Most people know a few basic facts about monks: they wear long robes, they dedicate their lives to their beliefs, and they do good works in their communities. But what do they do during their off hours? What happens when they hang up their uniforms and take a break? They cook, of course! At least, that’s what the Benedictine monks of Subiaco Abbey in Arkansas have been getting up to, anyway.
Led by Father Richard Walz, these monks invented what they dubbed “Monk Sauce,” a recipe for a spicy habanero sauce that has gained quite a bit of popularity. "A good monk is a good balance between prayer and work," Father Richard described of his life’s work, though I rather think the same could be said of hot sauce, too. You work to make it and pray if it’s too hot, don’t you?
There are a whole host of fun videos like this one that show us a rare glimpse into the downtime of these religious men. Did you catch the Franciscan monk who broke out some serious dance moves? What about the Orthodox monks who sang a beautiful chant?
"I suspect, though, a lot of people have […] fanciful ideas about monks and what they do,” Father Richard reflects. “They get into the monastery and they find out that monks are very much like everybody else." And that can be said of everyone — all people from all walks of life.
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These Monks Make a Wicked Hot Sauce from Great Big Story on Vimeo.