WWII Barrels Sit In A Barn For Over 50 Years, Then A Veteran Recognizes The Rare Weapon Inside

Many of the mysteries of the past will remain as such — unsolved mysteries. We can try our best to uncover all the secrets of past generations, but many pieces of information will stay lost in time.

However, there are still a few things that are in our power to discover.

The mysterious contents of two barrels dating back to World War II were recently uncovered, putting to rest the question of what's been sitting inside for over 50 years.

The canisters have been sitting in a barn in Oklahoma City since 1963, but they existed for many years before that.

Of course, many have speculated about what might be inside, but nothing could be confirmed before the moment the lid was removed.

With the help of 94-year-old veteran John "Lucky" Luckadoo, officials at the the Commemorative Air Force Headquarters at Dallas Executive Airport opened the barrels. 

They pulled out bomb sights, precision instruments used by airmen. Luckadoo is familiar with them, as he flew 25 B-17 bombing missions in WWII.

The bomb sights were quite the sight, a treat for WWII history buffs! Apparently, there aren't many of these left, so they are quite the rare thing to see indeed.

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