11 Things You Should Absolutely Never Say To Your Waiter Or Waitress

I had a few jobs in the food service industry in high school and college, but I quickly learned I wasn't cut out to deal with the often tempestuous environment diners can create when even the slightest thing goes wrong.

Sure, there were kind regulars who always knew how to treat the staff with respect, but for every agreeable interaction, there were at least three others who needed to make a fuss over the smallest of issues. As a picky eater, I understand the need to have our meals be just right — but I also know that we're all human, and humans make mistakes!

Besides that, we might not realize we're being a jerk by ordering without a hint of politeness or gratitude, or expecting certain demands be met without realizing the facility simply isn't equipped to fulfill them.

Scroll through below to see 11 common things that we should never say to a waiter or waitress.

Did we miss any big dining faux pas? Let us know in the comments and be sure to SHARE with your friends!

Thumbnail sources: YouTube, Pix11

1. "Give Me..."

Wikimedia Commons

Making a demand for your food by saying "give me" or "I'll have" rather than a kinder phrase like "could I please have" or "I would like" makes you seem pompous. And remember, they're the ones handling your food.

2. "Thanks, Sweetie"


That means referring to servers as "honey," "sweetie," or "sugar," or even playfully snapping your fingers and requesting the "garçon." It isn't cute for someone who's been on their feet for hours all day, and it really is just disrespectful of them as fellow humans.

3. "We Need To Make More Room"

Flickr / Rein Ketelaars

If your reservation is for you and four of your friends, but a few more decide they'd like to join in, too, call the restaurant as soon as you hear from them and see if it can be arranged before allowing them to pile in at the scheduled time.

Likewise, if you're already enjoying a meal and you invite more guests to arrive in the middle of it, you're only causing chaos for the poor staff who have to attempt to wrangle more space.

4. "Can I Order This Off-Menu Item?"

Flickr / Ruth Hartnup

Unless it's requesting special toppings for a pizza, which are listed in most menus where that's available, your server will mostly likely tell you the special request is outside of their wheelhouse.

That's because they know that chefs are busy people and don't have the time to waste attempting to construct something completely random.

5. "You Got My Order Wrong"


As a server, they have zero control over what happens in the kitchen, so acting hostile because the cook forgot to put your pickles on the side or add extra mustard is wholly unwarranted.

Besides, if something is seriously wrong with the order, chances are more than likely that they will happily fix it for you as quickly as possible, and maybe they'll even comp you for the trouble.

6. "I'm Super Allergic To..."

Flickr / Greg Friese

Unless you have an actual food allergy, don't tell your server that you do! As someone who hates carrots, I don't love when they show up in my food without any warning. But I should never go as far as to say I have a medical aversion in order to avoid this small annoyance.

Doing so only creates a huge amount of work for the server and chef, since a restaurant's regulations often require switching out cooking utensils and dishes in case of contamination, which makes you a serious nuisance over nothing.

7. "Can We Move To The Table Over There?"

Flickr / Tom Hodgkinson

Servers are assigned sections of restaurants to cover throughout their shift, so suddenly deciding you prefer the view from the other end of the room only causes them to lose out on a tip they've been working hard for that whole time.

8. "What Do You Think Is Best?"


Asking your sever for more information about the ingredients in a dish is completely acceptable, but asking them to rank the menu items for you can quickly cause a conniption, considering it's their job to make everything on the list sound appetizing. It also makes them personally responsible if you go with their advice and you don't like it.

9. "Can You Split The Check 20 Ways?"

Flickr / Jeremy Noble

Sure, splitting a check between two or three diners is not usually an issue. However, if your birthday party of a dozen decides each one (minus the birthday girl or boy) is paying separately, you better have also remembered to bring cash. It's not just a huge headache, but it can often end with servers being stiffed on their tip when the math doesn't add up.

10. "I'm Still Working On This"

Flickr / UnorthodoxY

And by that, I mean working on the last few ice cubes in the bottom of your soda and the crumbs on your plate as you linger during a busy dinner or lunch rush. Your conversations can probably continue outside of the restaurant, and you're costing that server and the company money.

11. "Can I Get Your Number?"


Seriously, don't hit on the staff unless they make it very, very obvious that the feeling is mutual. Their job is to be nice and agreeable, but you're putting them in an awkward position when you take that kindness to mean something more.

Did we miss something you know drives servers up a wall? Let us know below and be sure to SHARE with your friends!