Part of the American dream is home ownership — even if it's a tiny house on wheels. So just imagine how you would feel if someone was defacing your home?
Albert Clemens Sr. is an 85-year-old man who has been living in his house in Euclid, OH for over 60 years. He bought the green, two-story abode with his late wife who recently passed, and with so many lovely memories within those walls, he could never abandon his home.
Although at this point, it may be tempting.
For over a year, he has been awakened hundreds of times in the middle of the night with eggs hitting the front of his house. But that’s not even cracking the surface. Someone is using a launching device to pelt the facade, and the accuracy is so precise that some members of the family have been hit with eggs as they were walking out of the house. Even a cop investigating the vandalism was struck.
To make the situation even more devastating, eggs are just the start of it…
Watch the video below to find out why they think they’re under attack. Believe me, it will shock and disgust you.
Please SHARE this video with everyone you know, because the more people know about this, the closer the police will come to figuring out who this villain is.