It’s not every day that the world takes notice of the tiny squeaks of three birds emerging from thin shells high atop a building in Rochester, New York.
The thing is, these baby birds are peregrine falcons. And although they’re new to the world, this century hasn’t exactly been kind to their kind. In fact, it was only a few decades ago that peregrine falcons had nearly disappeared from America’s east coast.
Since then — and thanks to an ambitious conservation program — the falcon population has experienced an unprecedented revival. And these three babies — a third egg remains unhatched — are a testament to the conservation effort.
Did we mention, the babies are really cute too? Sure, they will grow up to inherit the skies, as the world’s fastest animal — capable of cleaving the air at more than 200 miles per hour.
"They are little fuzz balls with big feet and beaks. They don’t weight more than a few ounces," June Summers, president of the Genesee Valley Audubon Society, tells the Democrat & Chronicle.
Of course, a lot of baby animals are adorable — even before they leave their mother’s womb.
But the idea that these tiny lint balls will grow into masters of aerial mayhem is downright mesmerizing.
Eventually, these micro-marvels will take their place at the top of their food chain, as one of the world’s most powerful predators.
But for now, their place is on top of the the Times Square Building in Rochester, New York.
That’s where, thanks to a live camera, we can all ooh and awww over these little fuzzballs — before we all know what empty nest syndrome feels like.
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