It Looks Like This Artist Has No Clue How To Draw Cats — Until You See The Original Photos

Part of being an artist is painting the world as you see it. Sometimes, that means being hyperrealistic. Other times, it means taking the time to process certain interpretations.

This Twitter artist, @poorlycatdraw, did a little bit of both.

We all know that cats can be strange creatures. They are very bendy and sometimes find themselves twisted into strange shapes. This is all crucial to their survival, as they need to be flexible and stealthy. But when they are domesticated and live in a home, it mostly just leads to assuming strange positions while lazing around the house.

When you see this artist's drawings side-by-side with the actual images the art is based on, you're going to laugh out loud. I swear, I'm never going to look at my cat the same way again!

Please SHARE these very silly and surprisingly well-done drawings of cats at their finest with your friends on Facebook!

Cat head on a stick? Nope, just lounging.

Twitter / poorlycatdraw

This cat's got some issues to work through.

Twitter / poorlycatdraw

Worm or cat? Maybe a little bit of both.

Twitter / poorlycatdraw

Cats faces don't look like tha– ah, I see.

Twitter / poorlycatdraw

Where's the rest of her?

Twitter / poorlycatdraw

Apparently felines are chock-full of expressions!

Twitter / poorlycatdraw

Please SHARE these hilarious drawings with your family and friends on Facebook!