Nurses Gather Round When Patient’s Husband Pulls A Box Out Of His Pocket

When you get married, you make vows to your partner — vows that you're supposed to keep until the day you both die.

The vows can vary, but most come down to a message of unconditional and unwavering love.

So, that means you stand by each other's side through all of the good and all of the bad. And a common term that's added into vows is "through sickness and in health."

When you make that vow, you always would hope that no sickness came into your lives together. Unfortunately, that often simply isn't the case.

And the couple you're about to meet below knows that unfortunate truth all too well.

The video starts as a patient's husband is down on his knee in the hospital. All of the nurses and doctors are gathered around with huge grins on their faces, and the man's wife is sitting in a chair getting cancer treatment.

So, you might wonder why everyone's smiling — and it's because this man not only stayed true to his vows for 31 years but now in her sickest time, he wants to renew them with her, too.

He proposes with a new ring, she says yes, and the two of them renew their vows to each other right there. This is a moment of real romance and a showing of true unconditional love that we can all appreciate.

Please SHARE this emotional moment with everyone you know on Facebook!