You're about to meet an incredible young boy and a kindhearted superstar. Together, they make an unstoppable team.
Six-year-old Albert Manero founded "Limbitless" in conjunction with the UCF Armory (University of Central Florida). The Limbitless Arm is e-NABLE’s first myoelectric design, or a 3D printed robotic prosthetic device. No small feet for a kid — and a kid with special needs, no less.
That's where Robert Downey Jr. comes in. The famous Hollywood actor and Iron Man himself surprised a Albert with a brand new bionic 3D printed arm, at no cost to the family. Robert walked in playing Tony Stark and presented the youngster with his awesome new arm — but even Albert knew exactly who he was hanging out with.
It's amazing to see celebrities go out of their way to help out the "regular" folk — like when NFL star Tim Tebow spent quality time with a fan in need. Although, Albert is anything but ordinary.
For such a famous person (and real-life superhero), Robert sure is a class-act. If this video touched your heart, please SHARE it with your friends on Facebook!