As someone with many friends in the military, I understand how hard it is to have them away from home for extended periods of time. But I can only imagine how much harder it would be for their families. Parents, spouses, and children miss them dearly, and eagerly await the day they'll be able to spend just a few days, even weeks, with them at home.
Soldiers often organize surprise homecomings for their families, who are caught off guard by such a welcome event. These reunions never fail to make us tear up, even just a little!
One family attending a Tampa Bay Rays baseball game thought they were just seeing video message from United States Navy Petty Officer First Class Will Dillon. The clip seemed typical at first: he said how much he missed his wife and three kids, and that he couldn't wait to see them.
Then, he pulled a surprising move, and walked away from the camera. The background revealed where he really was: just outside the stadium! His wife and kids definitely got the surprise of a lifetime.
Now watch the clip to see the happy family reunited once again.
Please SHARE if you think this sailor put together an awesome way to surprise his family!